Source code for colour.quality.cqs

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Colour Quality Scale

Defines *colour quality scale* computation objects:

-   :class:`CQS_Specification`
-   :func:`colour_quality_scale`

See Also
`Colour Quality Scale IPython Notebook
<>`_  # noqa

.. [1]  Davis, W., & Ohno, Y. (2010). Color quality scale. Optical
        Engineering, 49(3), 33602–33616. doi:10.1117/1.3360335

.. [2]  Ohno, Y., & Davis, W. (2008). NIST CQS simulation 7.4. Retrieved from CQS simulation 7.4.xls

from __future__ import division, unicode_literals

import numpy as np
from collections import namedtuple

from colour.colorimetry import STANDARD_OBSERVERS_CMFS
from colour.colorimetry import (
from colour.quality.dataset.vs import VS_SPDS, VS_INDEXES_TO_NAMES
from colour.models import (
from colour.temperature import CCT_to_xy_CIE_D, uv_to_CCT_Ohno2013
from colour.adaptation import chromatic_adaptation_VonKries

__author__ = 'Colour Developers'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright (C) 2013 - 2015 - Colour Developers'
__license__ = 'New BSD License -'
__maintainer__ = 'Colour Developers'
__email__ = ''
__status__ = 'Production'

__all__ = ['D65_GAMUT_AREA',

D65_GAMUT_AREA = 8210

[docs]class VS_ColorimetryData(namedtuple('VS_ColorimetryData', ('name', 'XYZ', 'Lab', 'C'))): """ Defines the the class holding *VS test colour samples* colorimetry data. """
[docs]class VS_ColourQualityScaleData( namedtuple('VS_ColourQualityScaleData', ('name', 'Q_a', 'D_C_ab', 'D_E_ab', 'D_Ep_ab'))): """ Defines the the class holding *VS test colour samples* colour quality scale data. """
[docs]class CQS_Specification( namedtuple( 'CQS_Specification', ('Q_a', 'Q_f', 'Q_p', 'Q_g', 'Q_d', 'Q_as', 'colorimetry_data'))): """ Defines the *CQS* colour quality specification. Parameters ---------- Q_a : numeric Colour quality scale :math:`Q_a`. Q_f : numeric Colour fidelity scale :math:`Q_f` intended to evaluate the fidelity of object colour appearances (compared to the reference illuminant of the same correlated colour temperature and illuminance). Q_p : numeric Colour preference scale :math:`Q_p` similar to colour quality scale :math:`Q_a` but placing additional weight on preference of object colour appearance. This metric is based on the notion that increases in chroma are generally preferred and should be rewarded. Q_g : numeric Gamut area scale :math:`Q_g` representing the relative gamut formed by the (:math:`a^*`, :math:`b^*`) coordinates of the 15 samples illuminated by the test light source in the *CIE LAB* object colourspace. Q_d : numeric Relative gamut area scale :math:`Q_d`. Q_as : dict Individual *CQS* data for each sample. colorimetry_data : tuple Colorimetry data for the test and reference computations. """
[docs]def colour_quality_scale(spd_test, additional_data=False): """ Returns the *colour quality scale* of given spectral power distribution. Parameters ---------- spd_test : SpectralPowerDistribution Test spectral power distribution. additional_data : bool, optional Output additional data. Returns ------- numeric or CQS_Specification Color quality scale. Examples -------- >>> from colour import ILLUMINANTS_RELATIVE_SPDS >>> spd = ILLUMINANTS_RELATIVE_SPDS.get('F2') >>> colour_quality_scale(spd) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 64.6860580... """ cmfs = STANDARD_OBSERVERS_CMFS.get( 'CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer') shape = cmfs.shape spd_test = spd_test.clone().align(shape) vs_spds = {} for index, vs_spd in VS_SPDS.items(): vs_spds[index] = vs_spd.clone().align(shape) XYZ = spectral_to_XYZ(spd_test, cmfs) uv = UCS_to_uv(XYZ_to_UCS(XYZ)) CCT, _ = uv_to_CCT_Ohno2013(uv) if CCT < 5000: spd_reference = blackbody_spd(CCT, shape) else: xy = CCT_to_xy_CIE_D(CCT) spd_reference = D_illuminant_relative_spd(xy) spd_reference.align(shape) test_vs_colorimetry_data = _vs_colorimetry_data( spd_test, spd_reference, vs_spds, cmfs, chromatic_adaptation=True) reference_vs_colorimetry_data = _vs_colorimetry_data( spd_reference, spd_reference, vs_spds, cmfs) XYZ_r = spectral_to_XYZ(spd_reference, cmfs) XYZ_r /= XYZ_r[1] CCT_factor = _CCT_factor(reference_vs_colorimetry_data, XYZ_r) Q_as = _colour_quality_scales( test_vs_colorimetry_data, reference_vs_colorimetry_data, CCT_factor) D_E_RMS = _delta_E_RMS(Q_as, 'D_E_ab') D_Ep_RMS = _delta_E_RMS(Q_as, 'D_Ep_ab') Q_a = _scale_conversion(D_Ep_RMS, CCT_factor) Q_f = _scale_conversion(D_E_RMS, CCT_factor, 2.928) p_delta_C = np.average( [sample_data.D_C_ab if sample_data.D_C_ab > 0 else 0 for sample_data in Q_as.values()]) Q_p = 100 - 3.6 * (D_Ep_RMS - p_delta_C) G_t = gamut_area([vs_CQS_data.Lab for vs_CQS_data in test_vs_colorimetry_data]) G_r = gamut_area([vs_CQS_data.Lab for vs_CQS_data in reference_vs_colorimetry_data]) Q_g = G_t / D65_GAMUT_AREA * 100 Q_d = G_t / G_r * CCT_factor * 100 if additional_data: return CQS_Specification(Q_a, Q_f, Q_p, Q_g, Q_d, Q_as, (test_vs_colorimetry_data, reference_vs_colorimetry_data)) else: return Q_a
[docs]def gamut_area(Labs): """ Returns the gamut area :math:`G` covered by given *CIE Lab* matrices. Parameters ---------- Labs : array_like *CIE Lab* colourspace matrices. Returns ------- numeric Gamut area :math:`G`. Examples -------- >>> Labs = [ ... np.array([39.94996006, 34.59018231, -19.86046321]), ... np.array([38.88395498, 21.44348519, -34.87805301]), ... np.array([36.60576301, 7.06742454, -43.21461177]), ... np.array([46.60142558, -15.90481586, -34.64616865]), ... np.array([56.50196523, -29.5465555, -20.50177194]), ... np.array([55.73912101, -43.39520959, -5.08956953]), ... np.array([56.2077687, -53.68997662, 20.2113441]), ... np.array([66.16683122, -38.64600327, 42.77396631]), ... np.array([76.7295211, -23.9214821, 61.04740432]), ... np.array([82.85370708, -3.98679065, 75.43320144]), ... np.array([69.26458861, 13.11066359, 68.83858372]), ... np.array([69.63154351, 28.24532497, 59.45609803]), ... np.array([61.26281449, 40.87950839, 44.97606172]), ... np.array([41.62567821, 57.34129516, 27.4671817]), ... np.array([40.52565174, 48.87449192, 3.4512168])] >>> gamut_area(Labs) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 8335.9482018... """ Labs_s = Labs[:] Labs_s.append(Labs_s.pop(0)) G = 0 for i, _ in enumerate(Labs): L, a, b = Labs[i] L_s, a_s, b_s = Labs_s[i] A = np.sqrt(a ** 2 + b ** 2) B = np.sqrt(a_s ** 2 + b_s ** 2) C = np.sqrt((a_s - a) ** 2 + (b_s - b) ** 2) t = (A + B + C) / 2 S = np.sqrt(t * (t - A) * (t - B) * (t - C)) G += S return G
def _vs_colorimetry_data(spd_test, spd_reference, spds_vs, cmfs, chromatic_adaptation=False): """ Returns the *VS test colour samples* colorimetry data. Parameters ---------- spd_test : SpectralPowerDistribution Test spectral power distribution. spd_reference : SpectralPowerDistribution Reference spectral power distribution. spds_vs : dict *VS test colour samples* spectral power distributions. cmfs : XYZ_ColourMatchingFunctions Standard observer colour matching functions. chromatic_adaptation : bool, optional Perform chromatic adaptation. Returns ------- list *VS test colour samples* colorimetry data. """ XYZ_t = spectral_to_XYZ(spd_test, cmfs) XYZ_t /= XYZ_t[1] XYZ_r = spectral_to_XYZ(spd_reference, cmfs) XYZ_r /= XYZ_r[1] xy_r = XYZ_to_xy(XYZ_r) vs_data = [] for key, value in sorted(VS_INDEXES_TO_NAMES.items()): spd_vs = spds_vs.get(value) XYZ_vs = spectral_to_XYZ(spd_vs, cmfs, spd_test) XYZ_vs /= 100 if chromatic_adaptation: XYZ_vs = chromatic_adaptation_VonKries(XYZ_vs, XYZ_t, XYZ_r, transform='CMCCAT2000') Lab_vs = XYZ_to_Lab(XYZ_vs, illuminant=xy_r) _, chroma_vs, _ = Lab_to_LCHab(Lab_vs) vs_data.append( VS_ColorimetryData(, XYZ_vs, Lab_vs, chroma_vs)) return vs_data def _CCT_factor(reference_data, XYZ_r): """ Returns the correlated colour temperature factor penalizing lamps with extremely low correlated colour temperatures. Parameters ---------- reference_data : VS_ColorimetryData Reference colorimetry data. XYZ_r : array_like *CIE XYZ* colourspace matrix for reference. Returns ------- numeric Correlated colour temperature factor. """ xy_w = ILLUMINANTS.get('CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer').get('D65') XYZ_w = xy_to_XYZ(xy_w) Labs = [] for vs_colorimetry_data in reference_data: _, XYZ, _, _ = vs_colorimetry_data XYZ_a = chromatic_adaptation_VonKries(XYZ, XYZ_r, XYZ_w, transform='CMCCAT2000') Lab = XYZ_to_Lab(XYZ_a, illuminant=xy_w) Labs.append(Lab) G_r = gamut_area(Labs) / D65_GAMUT_AREA CCT_factor = 1 if G_r > 1 else G_r return CCT_factor def _scale_conversion(D_E_ab, CCT_factor, scaling_factor=3.104): """ Returns the correlated colour temperature factor penalizing lamps with extremely low correlated colour temperatures. Parameters ---------- reference_data : VS_ColorimetryData Reference colorimetry data. spd_reference : SpectralPowerDistribution Reference spectral power distribution. cmfs : XYZ_ColourMatchingFunctions Standard observer colour matching functions. Returns ------- numeric Correlated colour temperature factor. """ Q_a = (10 * np.log(np.exp((100 - scaling_factor * D_E_ab) / 10) + 1) * CCT_factor) return Q_a def _delta_E_RMS(cqs_data, attribute): """ Computes the root-mean-square average for given *CQS* data. Parameters ---------- cqs_data : VS_ColourQualityScaleData *CQS* data. attribute : unicode Colorimetry data attribute to use to compute the root-mean-square average. Returns ------- numeric Root-mean-square average. """ return np.sqrt(1 / len(cqs_data) * np.sum([getattr(sample_data, attribute) ** 2 for sample_data in cqs_data.values()])) def _colour_quality_scales(test_data, reference_data, CCT_factor): """ Returns the *VS test colour samples* rendering scales. Parameters ---------- test_data : list Test data. reference_data : list Reference data. CCT_factor : numeric Factor penalizing lamps with extremely low correlated colour temperatures. Returns ------- dict *VS Test colour samples* colour rendering scales. """ colour_quality_scales = {} for i, _ in enumerate(test_data): D_C_ab = test_data[i].C - reference_data[i].C D_E_ab = np.sqrt( np.sum((test_data[i].Lab - reference_data[i].Lab) ** 2)) if D_C_ab > 0: D_Ep_ab = np.sqrt(D_E_ab ** 2 - D_C_ab ** 2) else: D_Ep_ab = D_E_ab Q_a = _scale_conversion(D_Ep_ab, CCT_factor) colour_quality_scales[i + 1] = VS_ColourQualityScaleData( test_data[i].name, Q_a, D_C_ab, D_E_ab, D_Ep_ab) return colour_quality_scales