Source code for colour.adaptation.vonkries

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Von Kries Chromatic Adaptation Model

Defines Von Kries chromatic adaptation model objects:

-   :func:`chromatic_adaptation_matrix_VonKries`
-   :func:`chromatic_adaptation_VonKries`

See Also
`Chromatic Adaptation IPython Notebook
<>`_  # noqa

.. [1]  Fairchild, M. D. (2013). Chromatic Adaptation Models. In Color
        Appearance Models (3rd ed., pp. 4179–4252). Wiley. ASIN:B00DAYO8E2

from __future__ import division, unicode_literals

import numpy as np

from colour.adaptation import CHROMATIC_ADAPTATION_TRANSFORMS

__author__ = 'Colour Developers'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright (C) 2013 - 2015 - Colour Developers'
__license__ = 'New BSD License -'
__maintainer__ = 'Colour Developers'
__email__ = ''
__status__ = 'Production'

__all__ = ['chromatic_adaptation_matrix_VonKries',

[docs]def chromatic_adaptation_matrix_VonKries(XYZ_w, XYZ_wr, transform='CAT02'): """ Returns the *chromatic adaptation* matrix from test viewing conditions *CIE XYZ_w* colourspace matrix to reference viewing conditions *CIE XYZ_wr* colourspace matrix. Parameters ---------- XYZ_w : array_like, (3,) Test viewing condition *CIE XYZ* colourspace matrix. XYZ_wr : array_like, (3,) Reference viewing condition *CIE XYZ* colourspace matrix. transform : unicode, optional {'CAT02', 'XYZ Scaling', 'Von Kries', 'Bradford', 'Sharp', 'Fairchild, 'CMCCAT97', 'CMCCAT2000', 'CAT02_BRILL_CAT', 'Bianco', 'Bianco PC'}, Chromatic adaptation transform. Returns ------- ndarray, (3, 3) Chromatic adaptation matrix. Raises ------ KeyError If chromatic adaptation method is not defined. Examples -------- >>> XYZ_w = np.array([1.09846607, 1., 0.3558228]) >>> XYZ_wr = np.array([0.95042855, 1., 1.08890037]) >>> chromatic_adaptation_matrix_VonKries(XYZ_w, XYZ_wr) # noqa # doctest: +ELLIPSIS array([[ 0.8687653..., -0.1416539..., 0.3871961...], [-0.1030072..., 1.0584014..., 0.1538646...], [ 0.0078167..., 0.0267875..., 2.9608177...]]) Using Bradford method: >>> XYZ_w = np.array([1.09846607, 1., 0.3558228]) >>> XYZ_wr = np.array([0.95042855, 1., 1.08890037]) >>> method = 'Bradford' >>> chromatic_adaptation_matrix_VonKries(XYZ_w, XYZ_wr, method) # noqa # doctest: +ELLIPSIS array([[ 0.8446794..., -0.1179355..., 0.3948940...], [-0.1366408..., 1.1041236..., 0.1291981...], [ 0.0798671..., -0.1349315..., 3.1928829...]]) """ transform_matrix = CHROMATIC_ADAPTATION_TRANSFORMS.get(transform) if transform_matrix is None: raise KeyError( '"{0}" chromatic adaptation transform is not defined! Supported ' 'transforms: "{1}".'.format( transform, CHROMATIC_ADAPTATION_TRANSFORMS.keys())) XYZ_w, XYZ_wr = np.ravel(XYZ_w), np.ravel(XYZ_wr) if (XYZ_w == XYZ_wr).all(): # Skip the chromatic adaptation computation if the two input matrices # are the same, no adaptation is needed. return np.identity(3) rgb_w = np.ravel(, XYZ_w)) rgb_wr = np.ravel(, XYZ_wr)) D = np.diagflat(np.divide(rgb_wr, rgb_w)).reshape((3, 3)) cat =, D), transform_matrix) return cat
[docs]def chromatic_adaptation_VonKries(XYZ, XYZ_w, XYZ_wr, transform='CAT02'): """ Adapts given *CIE XYZ* colourspace stimulus from test viewing conditions *CIE XYZ_w* colourspace matrix to reference viewing conditions *CIE XYZ_wr* colourspace matrix. [6]_ Parameters ---------- XYZ : array_like, (3,) *CIE XYZ* colourspace stimulus to adapt. XYZ_w : array_like, (3,) Test viewing condition *CIE XYZ* colourspace whitepoint matrix. XYZ_wr : array_like, (3,) Reference viewing condition *CIE XYZ* colourspace whitepoint matrix. transform : unicode, optional {'CAT02', 'XYZ Scaling', 'Von Kries', 'Bradford', 'Sharp', 'Fairchild, 'CMCCAT97', 'CMCCAT2000', 'CAT02_BRILL_CAT', 'Bianco', 'Bianco PC'}, Chromatic adaptation transform. Returns ------- ndarray, (3,) *CIE XYZ_c* colourspace matrix of the stimulus corresponding colour. Examples -------- >>> XYZ = np.array([0.07049534, 0.1008, 0.09558313]) >>> XYZ_w = np.array([1.09846607, 1., 0.3558228]) >>> XYZ_wr = np.array([0.95042855, 1., 1.08890037]) >>> chromatic_adaptation_VonKries(XYZ, XYZ_w, XYZ_wr) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS array([ 0.0839746..., 0.1141321..., 0.2862554...]) Using Bradford method: >>> XYZ = np.array([0.07049534, 0.1008, 0.09558313]) >>> XYZ_w = np.array([1.09846607, 1., 0.3558228]) >>> XYZ_wr = np.array([0.95042855, 1., 1.08890037]) >>> method = 'Bradford' >>> chromatic_adaptation_VonKries(XYZ, XYZ_w, XYZ_wr, method) # noqa # doctest: +ELLIPSIS array([ 0.0854032..., 0.1140122..., 0.2972149...]) """ cat = chromatic_adaptation_matrix_VonKries(XYZ_w, XYZ_wr, transform) XYZ_a =, XYZ) return XYZ_a