Source code for colour.plotting.quality

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Colour Quality Plotting

Defines the colour quality plotting objects:

-   :func:`colour_rendering_index_bars_plot`

from __future__ import division

import matplotlib.pyplot
import numpy as np
import pylab

from colour.algebra import normalise
from colour.models import XYZ_to_sRGB
from colour.quality import (
from colour.plotting import (

__author__ = 'Colour Developers'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright (C) 2013 - 2014 - Colour Developers'
__license__ = 'New BSD License -'
__maintainer__ = 'Colour Developers'
__email__ = ''
__status__ = 'Production'

__all__ = ['colour_quality_bars_plot',

[docs]def colour_quality_bars_plot(specification, **kwargs): """ Plots the colour quality data of given illuminant or light source colour quality specification. Parameters ---------- specification : CRI_Specification or VS_ColourQualityScaleData Illuminant or light source specification colour quality specification. \*\*kwargs : \*\* Keywords arguments. Returns ------- bool Definition success. Examples -------- >>> from colour import ILLUMINANTS_RELATIVE_SPDS >>> illuminant = ILLUMINANTS_RELATIVE_SPDS.get('F2') >>> colour_quality_bars_plot(illuminant) # doctest: +SKIP True """ settings = {'figure_size': (DEFAULT_FIGURE_WIDTH, DEFAULT_FIGURE_WIDTH)} settings.update(kwargs) canvas(**settings) axis = matplotlib.pyplot.gca() Q_a, Q_as, colorimetry_data = (specification.Q_a, specification.Q_as, specification.colorimetry_data) colours = ([[1] * 3] + [normalise(XYZ_to_sRGB(x.XYZ / 100)) for x in colorimetry_data[0]]) x, y = tuple(zip(*[(x[0], x[1].Q_a) for x in sorted(Q_as.items(), key=lambda x: x[0])])) x, y = np.array([0] + list(x)), np.array([Q_a] + list(y)) positive = True if np.sign(min(y)) in (0, 1) else False width = 0.5 bars =, y, color=colours, width=width) y_ticks_steps = 10 pylab.yticks(range(0 if positive else -100, 100 + y_ticks_steps, y_ticks_steps)) pylab.xticks(x + width / 2, ['Qa'] + ['Q{0}'.format(index) for index in x[1:]]) def label_bars(bars): """ Add labels above given bars. """ for bar in bars: y = bar.get_y() height = bar.get_height() value = height if np.sign(y) in (0, 1) else -height axis.text(bar.get_x() + bar.get_width() / 2, 0.025 * height + height + y, '{0:.1f}'.format(value), ha='center', va='bottom') label_bars(bars) settings.update({ 'title': 'Colour Quality', 'grid': True, 'grid_axis': 'y', 'x_tighten': True, 'y_tighten': True, 'limits': [-width, len(Q_as) + width * 2, 0 if positive else -110, 110], 'aspect': 1 / ((110 if positive else 220) / (width + len(Q_as) + width * 2))}) settings.update(kwargs) boundaries(**settings) decorate(**settings) return display(**settings)
[docs]def colour_rendering_index_bars_plot(spd, **kwargs): """ Plots the *colour rendering index* of given illuminant or light source. Parameters ---------- spd : SpectralPowerDistribution Illuminant or light source to plot the *colour rendering index*. \*\*kwargs : \*\* Keywords arguments. Returns ------- bool Definition success. Examples -------- >>> from colour import ILLUMINANTS_RELATIVE_SPDS >>> illuminant = ILLUMINANTS_RELATIVE_SPDS.get('F2') >>> colour_rendering_index_bars_plot(illuminant) # doctest: +SKIP True """ if colour_quality_bars_plot( colour_rendering_index( spd, additional_data=True), standalone=False): settings = { 'title': 'Colour Rendering Index - {0}'.format(spd.title)} decorate(**settings) return display(**settings)
[docs]def colour_quality_scale_bars_plot(spd, **kwargs): """ Plots the *colour quality scale* of given illuminant or light source. Parameters ---------- spd : SpectralPowerDistribution Illuminant or light source to plot the *colour quality scale*. \*\*kwargs : \*\* Keywords arguments. Returns ------- bool Definition success. Examples -------- >>> from colour import ILLUMINANTS_RELATIVE_SPDS >>> illuminant = ILLUMINANTS_RELATIVE_SPDS.get('F2') >>> colour_quality_scale_bars_plot(illuminant) # doctest: +SKIP True """ if colour_quality_bars_plot( colour_quality_scale( spd, additional_data=True), standalone=False): settings = { 'title': 'Colour Quality Scale - {0}'.format(spd.title)} decorate(**settings) return display(**settings)